Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hook Up Ready

You got to love a girl who is so easy and optimistic that she comes to the bar ready to hook up in her pajamas. At that point do you even need to deal with the small talk or try to buy her a drink or just cut the crap and get to the point?

Tight Pants

This guys pants are so tight that if he farted he'd blow his shoes off. Not to mention they are way tighter than his girlfriends and her crack problem.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Why...why...why must our fans embarrass the hell out of us?

Dude, you're not on the team nor have you ever been on the team. So quit wearing the 'authentic' jersey you bought at Wal-Mart. Oh and also there's this thing that respectable people in society learned in Elementary school. It's called color coordination. Google it.

C'mon Ride The Train...

"Sorry I'm late it's hell trying to park a train downtown."

Eeek!! A Rat!!!

Somebody put out a trap I think I just saw a rat's tail.

Let's Fight.

I hate cancer just as much as the next guy, but when I saw this I had to laugh. It's so perfectly placed at work so that when anyone walks in it is eye level and they have to pass it everyday. The event took place over three and a half months ago and no one has taken it down which leads me to believe everybody there thinks its just as funny as I do.

Does anyone else feel a draft?

It's been said time and time again that Halloween is the one day a year girls can dress extremely slutty and get away with it. Well you give this girl an inch and she'll take a mile. How did she describe her costume to her friends? Something like, "I think I am going as a pantless whore this year. Let's be honest my pants will probably be left at his house when his wife comes home in the morning anyway."

"So Many Many Reasons It's So Mmm Mm Good!"

I am so regretting not leaving my number on her car, because it's this kind of girl that you want to take home to mom.

Takin' Care of Business

"What I can't hear you? I'm at Ray's by the condom machine. It's so loud in here and I got some self tanner in my ear earlier. I'm having trouble hearing you."

Simply Angelic

Dear God, make me a bird. So I could fly far. Far far away from here.

I think she may have sharted a tattoo...

Well I guess this is the view you get when you show up late and have to sit on the floor. Speechless....absolutely speechless.

No 'Reservation'

I couldn't decide if this was a cool vintage shirt, or just douchey. I guess it depends on if you bought with your cousin/girlfriend at the flea market or a cool thrift store.

Bump It

I once read that in ancient Egypt the bigger a girls 'Bump It' the bigger her dowry. If this was applied today that poor girl would die alone.

No Shirt, No Shoes...Disgusting.

While stopping to have lunch at Wendy's one afternoon this summer I had the privilege of sitting near this lovely couple. Evidently after a long day of using meth and running through the neighbors sprinkler you can work up quite an appetite. No need to change or put on a shirt or shoes to eat in public we'll just go as is. It's also apparent the staff at Wendy's is just as ignorant too for serving them.

Ho'Made Capri Pants

Whoever thinks you need to travel to New York, Paris, or London to see latest fashion trends couldn't be more wrong. Just off Hardin Valley I saw what could be the next big thing in women's pants home made capri pants. While waiting in line to pay for my gas the lady in front of me had her ass in the air for a minute. However when she stood up I noticed that her pants were no more. They were in fact capri's. Dont be surprised if this trend spreads like wild fire through out trailer parks first before it makes its way to fashion week.

The Traveling Mower

This was another gem from Asheville. In the middle of downtown I saw this old man with a push mower and suitcase attached to it using a chain you would lock a bike with. I couldn't spot a patch of grass anywhere near the area.